Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Frankenstein"; or, "The Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley

Finally, I am going to talk about my favorite book, Frankenstein.

It is probably that everyone knows the story, so I won't tell you what is it about, but I will tell you how it was written, and about who wrote the story (Frankenstein is probably one of the only ones romantic figures that have not been prostituted and murdered, for example, the vampire, the wolf-man, the elves, the dwarf, etc.)

On 1913 (The Summerless year) Mary Shelley and her husband Percy made a visit to their friend Lord Byron (Yes, the romantic poet) on Villa Diodati, Switzerland. So, that stormy night, this three friends and the Byron's Doctor, John Polidori, started reading German Horror Stories, and at last Byron challenged everyone to compose a story. So, this day Polidory wrotte a short tale that served him to compose "The Vampire" (The first vampires's story). Mary didn't can write a complete story, but that night, she started to develop an terrific idea for a story. And like always, inspiration came, and when Mary listened his husband's conversation with Polidori about the probability of come alive death animals, She had the missing piece of the story. But there was a slowly process, and it was just on 1831 when she finished the story, with Percy's help.
But What about Mary's life? I think that the origin of the story is so fantastic, overcoat if we reads about it now, because we now about vampires a lot, and we know how important is Lord Byron for the universal literature, and know that all this things had the same origin is exciting. But Mary Shelley's life is a different story too. But it is another story.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Andrey Vahrushew, Reflection

This pictura has been my favourite picture since a long time ago. I don't know so much about the photographer, because he's so low-perfil, and the only ways to find his work is throught web photo catalogs. I know that his nickname is "Reno", he is thirty six years old and lives in Riga (Letonia). The picture shows de reflection of a tree on the water, with slow pink petals on the surface. The first time I saw it was when I was nearly fifteen years old. But it was just a coincidence, because I was searching for another thing, and it appears on the screen and I just loved it. The image represents for me more than just a reflection from the tree on the water. In the moment I saw it for the first time, it was a reflection from me. And I know that it can sounds so depressive and twee, but I was in the age that we are slaves of emotion and hormone, so I put it on a .rar archive and I uploaded it to my hotmail. And one day, two years ago, clenaning my mailbox I found it. But I didn't have the name of the photo or photographer, so I tried puting the name of the archive (Was a number serie, like 34582465-sm) and google found it!. It is the story how I found Audrey Vahrushew's work. And this is why nobody knows nothing about him, because he is so independent. And he lives so far away from here, too. When I found it at last was since five years ago (so-so) and the photo was already taken since a lot time ago. So I don't know when He took the photo. But the oldest comment is from 2004. And that's all I found about when he took it. When I was a child, I lived on a very rainy place. On Rio Bueno, it rains all the year, and doesn't matter if it is spring or winter, or if there is the biggest sun on the sky or not. It just rains. So, we can go walking down the street with the sun above our heads, and when it rains we can see a beautifull rainbow. Later, everything was wet. And the air turned warm, and the birds starts singing, and the plants and flowers shows their best colours, and everything is calm. This is the feeling the pictures give me.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

People are just Stupid.

Well, today I am going to criticize social system, and I will talk to you a low bit about my work. I am perishables-operator on a supermarket. Yes, and there is a lot of things I hate of it. And a pair of things I like about it, but this is not the interesting ones. The first thing I understood when I started working was that we (workers) have to deal every person like a child ( I would like to write "monkey", but it could not be fair for every person). Because they can have a neon-sign of 2x2 meters above some product, and they will ask you where the *** are the price from that product.
The second thing I understood from my job, is that to be a good manager, you have to love to make orders and have a bad treat with the new ones. So, I think that my direct manager is an ignorant, arrogant, uncoulth man.
And the third thing I understood was that you have to be nice with people, but not too much. One day, a man showed me his gastric bypass scar, and I felt sick. Another day, an old woman told me EVERYTHING about her romantic bed life, and I felt sick again. And another day, a man started telling me (screaming) why he thinks that the bread was so expensive, and asked me why did I put that price on them. I didn't feel sick, but I really really wanted to have a gun on that moment, not for me. I want to straight that I cant escape from the clients, so I am just a victim :(.
My conclusion is that there are two posibilities about the relationship between me and people that buys on the supermarket:
1: I am a misanthropist person
2: I am not envolved on the people's foolishness, and being stupid is the only way people can be happy.
3: Is not people's fault. Chilean system makes people inhibit their brain, so chilean people are unthinking being.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mi favourite piece of technology.

I think is my notebook. I like mi mp4 a lot, and I use it all the time, but my notebook es the best. First, It has a great video tarjet, so I can download and play every game I like to play. (Well, lately I have not much time. But I used to do that)I think that games are something like art. Well not really all of them, but some of them, and for some people, a game can be like reading a book is for me.
Mi mom gave me the notebook on my 19th Birthday, and since a year (exactly! because my birthday is in April 27) I have used it to make my works, to find information, images, download and save photos, talk with my friends and mi family and obviously MUSIC!.
I use my notebook everyday, everytime I can, but mostly when I must amouse or resolve something. Is something that makes me connect to the world, like an ground-wire. When I really need to understand something, I go to my pc. When I must talk with somebody, I do it with mi pc. If I have to find something on the web, is obvious. And when I want to have a fun, I play on mi pc, or I see a movie, or series or just listen music. Since a lot years ago, I have never lived without a pc. But I think it is not really necessary. I men, we don't eat pc's and we don't breathe pc's. But I love my notebook, it helps me to have a better life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ginger Snaps

Hello. Today I'd like to talk about a movie I like. Is not the best movie, and the special effects are a low bit old. But I like it a lot because the script is so interesting to me. Ginger and Brigitte are sisters, but they're notnormal. I mean, What kind of girl makes a class project about their own death?...
The photographies were just staging, and all the guys liked it. But teacher was scared about the sisters, and sent them to the director's office. One of the things I like from this movie, is how it shows how stupid can society be, so every character is made to be just stupid and counterproductive. And then Ginger is bited by a wolf man, and the story shows her transformation. There is a lot of blood and screams and stupid people dying, and it is okay for me, but I think that the best parts of the movie is when the girls interact with the other persons, is so funny, and it has a lot of black humor.

Ginger Snaps is a trilogy, but not a secuence. I told you about just the first movie, and on the second one, Birggite is alone. Well, not REALLY alone, because Ginger is still appearing on her head. This story is about Brigitte's transformation, and is a lot more ugly and sadistic and visceral than the previous. Eww.

And the third is called "The beggining", and it goes by on a past so far away. Nobody and nothing on the movie tell us why Ginger and Briggite are on that place, it just seems that the girls are fleding from someone. Or something. And they appears on a village on the nearly 1815's. The villagers are just mens, and they received them so strangely. On the night there are attacks from a unknown beast...
Obviously the beasts are wolfmans, and they bite Ginger, and she transform.

Is the worst wolfman EVER XD I love it. It is like Cine B

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tim Burton

Hello, today I'm gonna talk to you about the head of somebody I like. His name is Tim Burton, and is a american director, producer, desginer and writter. He born in August 25 in 1958, and he was so introverted and excentric. When he was a child, he liked to frighten another kids from his neighbourhood, doing as he kill somebody, or telling everyone that alliens were coming. He was never a good student, but he was really creative and smart in artistic things. He always liked to see horror and science fiction movies, drawing things that he imagined, and painting. But mostly, he was always a great designer, and he won design competitions from his home town. When he finished high school, he went to study to California's Arts Insitute, institution created by Walt Disney, when he specialized in animation, and then he is hired to cooperate in proyects and films.
But he had problems working at Disney's productions. His designs was too dark and his style was not understandood by the another producers, so he started a single career, having the support from another companies interested on his ideas. And was on this time when he filmed first "Vincent" ( and then "Frankenweenie" (
And is on this point of his life when he managed the reconnaissance that he nedded to start filming feature films. His first full-lenght film was "Pee-wee's great adventure". In 1988 He filmed Beetlejuice, an amazing character that he had created that even I saw on TV when I was a little girl. And then, he hasn't stoped amazing us with his beautifull scenes. I feel my favourite film is Edward Scissorhands, but I like all the movies in general. But is my favourite, because I think that every thing on that movie is beatufull. Everything; From the characters till the paradoxical and black humoristic scenes. Actually, Burton is filming a remake of Frankenweenie in Stopmotion 3D. Obviously, I will going to see it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Francis Bacon

He was an amazing painter, who born in Ireland at the beginning of 1900. His life (He grow-up in England) is tragic, his parents abandoned him at sixteen, when they knew he was homosexual. I think that this is horrible. Life is already hard to homosexual people and even now (one hundred years later), people thinks that have the right to say them how to live, and how to love, and is not fair. He was sick since he was born, he had assaults of asthma and for this reason doctor mediacted him a lot of morphine. He was Andy Warhol's contemporary, but his style of life was so different. I don't really like people who search to be the stars, I think that fame is something that carries the brilliant and magnificence minds and that's why I "really really" don't like Warhole (And Pop Art).
About his art, some people said that was just "nasty pieces of beef" (Probably talking about "Head Surrounded by Sides of Beef", 1954). Well... probably Margaret Tatcher painted "Gioconda" (NOT). I think a lot of things about every painting, but the most important thing for me is the hidden message that his art bring us. That colours, that drawings and all the athmosphere that he obtained is all a social critique to this ugly/stupid/chaotic world.