Thursday, May 19, 2011

Andrey Vahrushew, Reflection

This pictura has been my favourite picture since a long time ago. I don't know so much about the photographer, because he's so low-perfil, and the only ways to find his work is throught web photo catalogs. I know that his nickname is "Reno", he is thirty six years old and lives in Riga (Letonia). The picture shows de reflection of a tree on the water, with slow pink petals on the surface. The first time I saw it was when I was nearly fifteen years old. But it was just a coincidence, because I was searching for another thing, and it appears on the screen and I just loved it. The image represents for me more than just a reflection from the tree on the water. In the moment I saw it for the first time, it was a reflection from me. And I know that it can sounds so depressive and twee, but I was in the age that we are slaves of emotion and hormone, so I put it on a .rar archive and I uploaded it to my hotmail. And one day, two years ago, clenaning my mailbox I found it. But I didn't have the name of the photo or photographer, so I tried puting the name of the archive (Was a number serie, like 34582465-sm) and google found it!. It is the story how I found Audrey Vahrushew's work. And this is why nobody knows nothing about him, because he is so independent. And he lives so far away from here, too. When I found it at last was since five years ago (so-so) and the photo was already taken since a lot time ago. So I don't know when He took the photo. But the oldest comment is from 2004. And that's all I found about when he took it. When I was a child, I lived on a very rainy place. On Rio Bueno, it rains all the year, and doesn't matter if it is spring or winter, or if there is the biggest sun on the sky or not. It just rains. So, we can go walking down the street with the sun above our heads, and when it rains we can see a beautifull rainbow. Later, everything was wet. And the air turned warm, and the birds starts singing, and the plants and flowers shows their best colours, and everything is calm. This is the feeling the pictures give me.

1 comment:

  1. its so beautiful and amazing :O I love reflections on the water :) but this is a great photo!
